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5MV Update History

maintained by Zeke

JUNE 2003


June 1

Zeke here welcoming you to June, the most frequently rhymed month of them all. Today we've got a special treat for you: Kira has written her long-awaited third This Just In. (She's been having a rough time with them ever since her idea for an article about a Trek "reality show", which she'd been planning for months, was unwittingly stolen by both StarTrek.com and Star Trek: Hypertext.) Head on over and find out why Stewart launches Trek Anti-Defamation League.

There's a good chance of a supplemental update later today. Meanwhile, 5MV sends a birthday shoutout to guest writer and forum regular Saxamaphone.



June 6

Zeke here. Do I ever have a surprise for you guys....

About (shudder) two years ago, Andy Taylor, whose work has been published here before, asked me about doing some DS9 fivers. Unfortunately, the only episodes he had on tape were the so-called Final Chapter -- the second half of Season 7, from "Penumbra" on. I said he could try the latter episode, and when I found his work promising, I cleared him for the next one, "'Til Death Do Us Part." This kept on for a while, and I could see Andy improving his skills as he went -- to the point that when he finally finished the penultimate episode, "The Dogs of War," I decided to make what is so far my only exception to the two-parters-are-Zeke's-property rule and let him do the finale to cap off his work. This all concluded several months ago. Ever since, I've been planning to post his work "soon." (See the Abbreviations page in the About section.) And now, after a long dry period in terms of updates, I've decided it's about darn time I followed through. Behold the last nine episodes of Deep Space Nine, condensed by Andy Taylor:

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Andy's kept working on them while waiting for me to get this done, by the way -- amid the charming British slang, you'll spot some references to pretty recent Trek. I think work in this quality and quantity most certainly deserves comment, so be sure to keep those feedback links in mind.

Five-Minute DS9 is arguably our most undersupplied section -- hopefully this'll please the Niner Fiver fans in the audience. (Hello, Kosst Amojan.) This update pretty much doubles the subsite's size, so that should hold you guys quite a while.



June 10

Kira here. Boy, do I ever have another surprise for you guys....

Relaunch of Five-Minute Deep Space Nine



June 15

Greetings to all readers and visitors of Five-Minute Voyager. This is Zeke welcoming you to Alternate Universes Week, our celebration of 5MV's third birthday.

As our more longstanding readers will remember, I don't actually know what day I created the site. I do know it was in June of 2000, and I've been going on the assumption that June 15 is about the right date. That means we're three years old as of today, and it also means -- as Ki is sure to point out -- that this is the first site birthday celebration to appear on time. It's also the first one she's officially run as Site Manager. Coincidence?

On 5MV's first birthday, I got wordy for the occasion. On the second, I decided not to make a big deal that way, and instead just throw out tons of new content. I think I'm going to compromise this year: I'll say a few words, but keep it briefer this time, and I'll save it for the end of the party. Thus, without further ado, here's what we've got for you on the first day of our Year 3 bash!

  • As you'll have guessed from the name, the theme of the week is AUs. What does that have to do with 3? Beats me. And what could we begin with but the one that started it all: "Mirror, Mirror". This Classic Trek fiver comes to you via our expert on the subject, IJD GAF.
  • Next we have Kira's latest Next Gen fiver (and my personal favourite AU episode), "Parallels."
  • Our brand new staff member, Derek Dean, has done the first Sliders episode to be covered here: "Prince of Wails."
  • Speaking of Sliders, that's what we chose as our springboard for this year's staff feature (see also Paneldemonium). Join me, Kira, IJD, Marc, and Derek in Part 1 of a seven-part series we call "Sleapers." (There's no guess-the-author contest this time around, so I can tell you Part 1 is by me.)
  • Speaking of things by me, rounding out today's update is a new Top 10 list: The Top 10 Ways Enterprise is Different in the Mirror Universe.



June 16

Day 2 of Alternate Universes Week

Kira here with the next installment of our birthday celebrations.

  • IJD GAF follows up his fiver for "Mirror, Mirror" with the inaugural DS9 Mirror Universe episode: Five-Minute "Crossover"
  • I've fived one of my favorite Voyager episodes: Five-Minute "Deadlock"
  • Raichu at Five-Minute Fifth Voyager brings us Five-Minute "Parallax." This is the 5M5V episode, not the actual Voyager episode of the same name; it will eventually be hosted at Fifth Voyager but until their crew is back at vacation it will be staying here.
  • And finally, IJD GAF continues our feature with Sleapers, part 2



June 17

Day 3 of Alternate Universes Week

Kira here with the next set of fivers, etc.



June 18

Day 4 of Alternate Universes Week

Halfway through our celebrations, here's today's material:

  • Derek Dean brings us the next DS9 Mirror Universe episode with Five-Minute "Shattered Mirror"
  • Marc Richard also makes a contribution in his own section with Five-Minute "Remember Me"
  • One of my favorite X-Files episodes happens to have an A/U theme, so here's Five-Minute "4-D", by me
  • And finally, our newest staff member tries his hand at our feature with Sleapers, part 4. Come to think of it, Derek's stand-alone tendency for bad puns means it's probably a good thing we didn't try to have a guess-the-author contest this year...
  • Speaking of last year's contest, now seems as good a time as any to announce what we've devised this year. It's not a contest, per say -- more like a game. Firstly, there is at one cameo per part by a guest author or a forumgoer. Some of the cameos are much better hidden than others, and I doubt any one forumgoer would be able to guess them all without putting their heads together with at least one other person. (You're welcome to try.) This isn't an official contest, just something to entertain you in the forums. (So don't bother emailing your guesses to any of us.) Secondly, in part 1, IJD mentions that we've been to at least thirty worlds, by his count. Well, we've dropped subtle and not-so-subtle references to places we've "sleaped" to throughout each part so you can try counting (and listing) all the worlds. I'm curious to see whether anybody can get them all. Hopefully you'll all have as much fun figuring these things out as we had putting them in, so stop by the forum thread if you want to have a go.

June 19

Day 5 of Alternate Universes Week

Here's today's daily serving of fivers, recommended by four out of five comics we coerced. (Don't ask what happened to number five.)


June 20

Day 6 of Alternate Universes Week

Today's roundup:

Zeke will be making a fiver appearance, so expect a supplemental update... soon.

June 20 Supplemental

As promised, here's Zeke's contribution for today: Five-Minute "Non Sequitur."



June 21

Day 7 of Alternate Universes Week

Hey everybody, Zeke here. (You could have figured that out from the fact that this update was a bit less than punctual, but I'm saying it anyway.) Today is essentially the conclusion of our third-birthday celebration, AU Week -- there's technically one more AUW update coming tomorrow, with the article I said I'd be writing, but the climax is today. Here's how we're concluding the festivities:

  • First of all, as guessed in the forums, IJD GAF has done TAS's "The Counter-Clock Incident" for your reading pleasure.
  • Likewise for your reading pleasure, Derek Dean's oldest unpublished fiver: "Gillian of the Spirits." (As you'll have noticed, we held quite a few AU-related fivers back for this event.)
  • Sleapers concludes today with a super-long Part 7 from yours truly. There's the standard one cameo from a forumgoer, but you'll find references to... quite a few others.
  • Finally, what better way to round out a finale than with a finale? The final episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation, "All Good Things," is now my third contribution to 5MNG. Hope you enjoy it.
As mentioned above, my final comments and acknowledgements for 5MV's big occasion will appear tomorrow. For now, though, I'd like to give a very special thank you to Kira, who got everything ready for me for the update today; thanks to her, there only had to be a few minutes between my finishing the writing and uploading the completed HTML. The lateness of today's update is in every respect my fault -- it was waiting on no one but me. I am so the weakest link.



June 22

Zeke here. Slight delay with the final AUW update -- remember, this is me, not Kira. <g> Look for that tomorrow.


June 23

I really suck. Just one more day, folks.


June 24

Sigh... this is gonna look really embarrassing in the news archives. One more day.

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Five-Minute Voyager and subsites are © Colin Hayman.