Q: was it more difficult to integrate that flag into your avvy than the member title?
A: oh definetly e^x
. |
Q: What do you want with your pi?
A: Only a select few can use the Calculus |
Q: Oh, what are your words of wisdom on higher math, oh wise one?
A: Six. For sure.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
Q: What do you get if you devide 42 by 9?
A: Gobbledegook.
The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to wage wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them. - Gene Roddenberry |
Q: And the number 5 rejected name for Google is ...
A: Quote Away!
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
Q: May I quote Dr. Johnson?
A: No, no, no, no, no, NO!
O to be wafted away From this black aceldama of sorrow; Where the dust of an earthy today Is the earth of a dusty tomorrow! |
Q: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!
A: Quit arguing.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
Q: What would be a good way to not be dork around guys I like "that way".
A: That's all fine, just don't do it while *they* are around.
George Orwell gives meaning to TopHatMan\'s life. Opium, Princess Heroine of Laudanum...Part of The Morphine Party: The Party For Not... Crushing... Me? :shock: Opium. Don\'t take drugs, just read them. Please vote Morphine! (Thanks, Zeke!) Needing more sleep since before 2003 |
Q: Can we call the aliens names?
A: SORRY! Your LIFE has too much RISK for us to insure your BATTLESHIP. |
Q: The next game is, make a sentence with as many game names in it as possible.
A: Nil.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
Q: So, how much money did you win in that stupid game I told you not to play?
A: That could be a new forum game....
-KillerGM Well I guess I'll just live WITHOUT an avatar then! |
Q: How about that "Blackmail" sketch, by Monty Python?
O to be wafted away From this black aceldama of sorrow; Where the dust of an earthy today Is the earth of a dusty tomorrow! |
Q: LOOK! It's Bleachman!
A: Wait til you see the inside |
Q: Isn't Bleachman ugly-looking on the exterior!
A: It was......uh.......TopHatKarl and errr.......JohnMan!
O to be wafted away From this black aceldama of sorrow; Where the dust of an earthy today Is the earth of a dusty tomorrow! |
Q: Who beat up Opium?
A: I will KILL THEM!
-KillerGM Well I guess I'll just live WITHOUT an avatar then! |
Q: What if TopHatMan, John, Karl, and Bleachman decide to stand in your way?
A: Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe!
O to be wafted away From this black aceldama of sorrow; Where the dust of an earthy today Is the earth of a dusty tomorrow! |
Q: Ouch! They hit me!
A: I must resort to finding... VISORCAT!
-KillerGM Well I guess I'll just live WITHOUT an avatar then! |
Q: So, what gibberish catchphrase have you thought up today?
A: I intend to play the Nimon on a long string....
O to be wafted away From this black aceldama of sorrow; Where the dust of an earthy today Is the earth of a dusty tomorrow! |
Q: Quote something from you signature...
A: We WILL get to vote... right?
-KillerGM Well I guess I'll just live WITHOUT an avatar then! |
Q: So now, we will have a vote on international communism. Soon.
A: Mr. Jeff Q Superman is, at first glance, an ordinary citizen. But, whenever the world is threatened by broken bicycles or international communism, he becomes BICYCLE REPAIR MAN!
O to be wafted away From this black aceldama of sorrow; Where the dust of an earthy today Is the earth of a dusty tomorrow! |