*sound of wind whispering* *owls* *who?* *who?* *sound of wind whispering*
I wish for more wishes!
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
You get them, but fifteen minuttes ago, and you use them in the wish that originally created them.
I wish I hadn't fallen asleep for a few minutes in Algebra. I could have finished factoring that last number, but oh well.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
Okay, you instead slept through the whole class!
I wish I wasn't so tired.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
You aren't tired, just really bored because there is nothing to do.
I wish that mom would start crotcheting a new Christmas stocking for me since my old once are MIA and I don't know how to crochet in patterns yet.
George Orwell gives meaning to TopHatMan\'s life. Opium, Princess Heroine of Laudanum...Part of The Morphine Party: The Party For Not... Crushing... Me? :shock: Opium. Don\'t take drugs, just read them. Please vote Morphine! (Thanks, Zeke!) Needing more sleep since before 2003 |
She does. But you recieve it posthumously.
I wish I hadn't had to stay up so late last night.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
You didn't, but you woke up at 2:00am today.
I wish I could get more sleep.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
You could, but you don't.
I wish for another three hours between midnight and 12:01 am.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
Okay, but now you can't get to sleep until 12:02am at the earliest.
I wish I wasn't so busy.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
You aren't. Instead, you're bored out of your mind.
I wish I could get to sleep before midnight on a more regular basis.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
You can! But now you have to get up at 4:00am every day.
I wish that this dang program would work right.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
It does, but it's so outdated that you don't need it anymore.
I wish didn't have to edit this post to ad the wish that I forgot to post in the first place. And that fina;s weren't so close to right now.
George Orwell gives meaning to TopHatMan\'s life. Opium, Princess Heroine of Laudanum...Part of The Morphine Party: The Party For Not... Crushing... Me? :shock: Opium. Don\'t take drugs, just read them. Please vote Morphine! (Thanks, Zeke!) Needing more sleep since before 2003 |
Finals aren't so close, and you don't have to edit the wish. Cause the dead take no tests and post no posts.
I wish PJ were finished being coded.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
It is, but now you have no internet connection.
I wish this dang wireless internet connection was faster.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
It is. In fact, it's so fast that it loads before you click. Which can lead to problems...
don't know how, but it could... I wish I didn't have finals next week.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
You have finals this week!
I wish that this weather was either a little colder or a little warmer.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
It's both, in five-minute intervals.
I wish I could just go ahead and take the stupid finals!
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
You can, but now they're twice as hard!
I wish these pencils would quit breaking.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
They do. However, the sharpener's broken, and that was the last one.
I wish I was done with this essay.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |
Time's up! You're done by default.
I wish these tables weren't so wobbly.
Truer words were never spoken. Xeroc Central 5MChat: PHP/JS Chat 2.0 Click here to view the chat in progress! |
They aren't. However, the only way to make it work was to hack off the legs.
I wish finals were over.
e of pi, fastest keyboard in the fora. e of pi: I know you have too much free time. Ddoof: HEY! e of pi: Well, so does anyone who posts on 5M.net. It comes from the extra 55 minutes. We are the BSG. Your resources and injokes wil be added to our own, depleting your fanbase. Resistance is futile. So say we all. Member of the Persons Who Believe that Ryan Connors Leslie Should Have Lines in Other Series Since He's Hardly In TOS Fivers |