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[color=#000000ost_uid0]http://rinkworks.com/dialect/dialectp.cgi?dialect=hckr&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.3sygma.com%2Ffiveminute%2Fnex tgen%2Ffirstcontact.html :S[/colorost_uid0]
[color=#000000ost_uid0]:lol: That is so seriously messed up. It looks like an eight-year-old tried to copy off the original while "making it better". I don't think I could post a single excerpt here in its entirety without being slow-boiled in oil by Zeke.
[iost_uid0]25 !'s in a row?[/iost_uid0] :O My goodness...[/colorost_uid0]
My 5MV webpages My novel fivers list Yup “There must have been a point in early human history when it was actually advantageous to, when confronted with a difficult task, drop it altogether and go do something more fun, because I do that way too often for it to be anything but instinct.” -- Isto Combs |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]What the heck is that? O.o; Being slow-boiled in oil is too kind; this kind of visual and mental torture deserves reciprocation by skinning BEFORE slow boiling in oil!
Kinda reminds me of the Jar Jar-izer on the Net several years back. I translated all of Jim Wright's Voyager reviews; they turned "Tom Paris" into "Qui-Gon Ewok Village". What the-?! What IS 1337? :shakes head in confusion:[/colorost_uid0] |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]Hacker speak - basically, I think. But that was insane -- in the membrane.[/colorost_uid0]
Benjamin Disraeli: You don't even know who I am! |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]I'd like to believe that hackers speak more coherently than THAT! :dead:[/colorost_uid0]
[color=#000000ost_uid0]That translation was obviously exaggerated - but, I dunno
Benjamin Disraeli: You don't even know who I am! |
[color=#000000ost_uid0][quoteost_uid0]What IS 1337? :shakes head in confusion:[/quoteost_uid0]
It's mainly used by annoying people. It's when you substitute numbers for letters - numbers that look similar to the letters. So, for example, "1" is "l" (small L, not capital i), "3" is "E" (backwards), "7" is "T"... So "1337" is pronounced "leet". As I said, it's annoying.[/colorost_uid0]
Sal: Where\'s he goin\'? Joyce: To get his nachitos back from the aliens. Sal: What? By himself? --It\'s Walky!, David Willis |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]Wh44d4 m34n, 4nn0yi9? I 1ik3 1337.[/colorost_uid0]
Oh, i\'m back. Really! This time, for sure. |
Dental Hygienists are X-Rayted. *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·`Floss Naked! |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]SpicyMeats ("Spicy" to me) at Verge Gaming and most of the other staff make endless jokes about usage of L33t. i.e. "you used leet! You're banned!" Making fun of CS players, and EGEN gaming (CS, L33t and stupid abounds at EGEN).
In conclusion: we must kill Captain Galactic. [/colorost_uid0] |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]It always amuses me when people from, say, Sweden, the Netherlands or Israel have a better command of the English language than the average 1337 AOHellion hacker. It makes me wish I spoke better French. I'm fluent by BC standards, which means I took it Grade 11 and have forgotten most of it. I can get by reading cereal packages and stop signs, but somebody trying to have a full-speed thickly-accented conversation with me will quickly switch to English in frustration.
Although I've been told that my accent dead on Quebecois. Weird, since I've never been further east than Edmonton and there is no Gallic anywhere in my ancestry (unless you count the Normans).[/colorost_uid0]
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them. |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]Sweet Cuppin' Cakes CG! You can read that?[/colorost_uid0]
Benjamin Disraeli: You don't even know who I am! |
[color=#000000ost_uid0][quoteost_uid0]Sweet Cuppin' Cakes CG! You can read that?[/quoteost_uid0]
I think he needs to have Eh Steve dropped on him. At the very least, we can drop Eh Steve on that post so we'll never have to see it again. Eh! Steve![/colorost_uid0]
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them. |
[quoteost_uid0="Sa'ar Chasm"][color=#000000ost_uid0]Eh! Steve![/colorost_uid0][/quoteost_uid0]
[color=#000000ost_uid0]I'll get you Eh Steve, if it's the last thing I doooOOoooOOoooOOooo...[/colorost_uid0]
Benjamin Disraeli: You don't even know who I am! |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]What is that from? And why does it remind me of Alice in Wonderland?[/colorost_uid0]
Dental Hygienists are X-Rayted. *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·`Floss Naked! |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]I have no idea. It could be part of some deviously convolouted pune or play on words involving the [iost_uid0]Beatles[/iost_uid0] number [iost_uid0]Hey Jude[/iost_uid0], though I have to say it's more than likely that that suggestion is just a product of my warped, twisted and just plain bent mind.[/colorost_uid0]
Mason: Luckily we at the Agency use use a high-tech piece of software that will let us spot him instantly via high-res satellite images. Sergeant: You can? That's amazing! Mason: Yes. We call it 'Google Earth'. - Five Minute 24 S1 (it lives, honest!) "Everybody loves pie!" - Spongebob Squarepants |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]PHJ & Celeste: The Eh Steve stuff is from a recent strong bad email. (\http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail72.html) Maybe it was sparked by my l337 4v474r.
Sax: I can read it. And the scary thing is, I read it fluently.[/colorost_uid0]
Oh, i\'m back. Really! This time, for sure. |
And, yes - it was sparked by your new avatar, which I suspect is playing the demo.[/colorost_uid0]
Benjamin Disraeli: You don't even know who I am! |
[color=#000000ost_uid0]I am truly amazed.[/colorost_uid0]
[color=#000000ost_uid0]Here it is in it's montrous totality.
[quoteost_uid0]card: aAaaaa4a!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ oh ww4it, itz a dre4mj !!!!!!!!1~~~ !!!!!!!!!111~ . piaRd: Aaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ oh wait, its a dream. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ OLOLOOLOLO!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ OLLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ !!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ . asmiral ahyes: Guess what??!?!??!?!?!?!? OOLOLOOOLOLOLOOLO.... teh borg Are baX0r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ picard: zaaaaaaaa~~~~~ 0h w4it, its a dream... .. U SUXR0 CAUSE YOU ARTE LAME !!!!!!!!!!111 , HAYSE: NO iTS nOT PICARD: CRAP IP wikll hAX0R YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ claptainz log: this is way bad OLOLOLO~~~ \\\\////\\\\////ere talkimng cinematic socPe hare!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ lolololol... pIcard: st4rfleet didnt inivt eus to treh borgf party~~~ ge0rDi: 4www!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ CANT WE PLEEZ G0P LACE OUR LIVES IM DEADLY PERILL!?!?!?!?!? c/\/\e 2 my fto data: ypou could try play1ngp haser tag near teh warp cdore~~ gerodi: i dont mean jjust any old w4y, sptudi rikar: sdo wh ydidnt tehy invite us!?!?!? OLOLLOLOLOLOO picard: they dont like m3~~ you suX0r becauSe y0u suck wAaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ r1ker: geze, tehy could still have invited teh res tof uz. OLOLOLOLOO.... picard: ur sympaTjy is ovarwh3lming troi: letsc heXOr whtas on thjer ad1io!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ boe: were bRog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 get assimilated rEsistance suX0rz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ STARFLEET: Y3AAGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ PICADR: ENOUGH~~~~~ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOO.... D4TA, WITCH TO CUHM FM!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ oh, and lay in a course for Earth~~~~~~~ data: mi not te hpilot,, ths d0opmed redsjirt is.. HAWK: IH!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ llolollo~~~ wrof: ow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 thta dOexz 1t -- r4 mthec ube!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ enisgn: wasit, here comex Th enterprise!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ lolololo worf oo, evwen bettAr!!!!!11 RAM THAT INST3AD. ED|\|SIGN: SIR!?!?!? I will H4X0R \\\\////\\\\////eof: i dont like r1kEr muxh!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ pIcard: oput me rthrough to the f7eet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ (ahEm) okay, everybody fire at the sp0t teh voicez in mY head told mE about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 ttro1: claptain, i sensew. .. AHXOR YOUUUUUUU,,, !!!!!1~~~~~ suspicion of iNsaniitty!!!!!!!!11~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 b0rg cube: kablazmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 haX0r the plann4t jawk:kablazmo!?!?!?!? lolololol picsrd: tEhrez no acc0unting fro sound efeftz!!!!! HEY, HER3z 20RF!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ rikar: we;l wsell, look \/\/hat the targ dragged in. so how does 1t feel to ahve left tng for a far lesz popular show?????????????? WIRF: PAR/\/\ISSION TO KILL ROIKER, SIR??????????????????? picard: hmm.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . dene1d. \\\\////\\\\//// eMay need him larer dAta: uh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ LOLOLOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ THAT BROG SPHER3 KJUST WEnT BAC0R IN TIME, picard: 1 umst follow tehm baX0r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ DATA: TO R3OPAIR WWHATEVER 4MAGR REJHYVE DONE????????????? loololo pic4rd: ot give them anotehr chancr To assimilate uus.. llololoo.... its nly fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ lily:h are coem tHe de4th missilez frim spAce!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ you arE lame becuZ u uX0r/ zeframc0chrane: thats my cue to get drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pic4red: okay, blow up teh sphar3!!!!!!!!!!!!11 BUT FIRST LEAVE THE SHEILDS DOWN FOR A GOOD, LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ JAWWK: SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 . ~~~~~~ this doesnt bod3 well~~~~~~~ ololol~~ data: guesz what,, cl4pts1n?????????????? its the da befrto3 f1rst cont4ct!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ picard: teh episod first ocntact wwas in seAson 4, yp0u dipstiX)r DATA:NO, 4cTUAL FIRST CONTACT... ypou knwo, wIt the vulc-- pIcard: hush, y0u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ I ON J)0~~~~~ OD U WANT TO SPOIL TEH DRAmaT1C REVELATION?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? u r l4me lily: Dei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ dei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ deid3idiedediudei!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ ADTA: JI~~~~ Iisnt it amusing how ypour3 gunfir eodesnt affecT m3!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?? likly: no!!!!!!!!111 excuse me while i faint~~~~ GEORD:I OKA,Y REHY NEED M,E DOWN ON TWEH PL4NET,, iS here Antyne else here whso A fan favourire and sh0uldnt be assimilated!?!??? JHAX0R YOUUUUUU. barclay: m3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lololololololl... me!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 you suX0R geordi: come along, AND GOD HELP HE REST OF U olo!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ ololloloololol!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ ata: yor touhcing teh phoneix... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO ist h4t a|\| emotional thing????????????????? pidard: eys, if ind it very touxhIng... ttoi: and twhy say i mnot funjny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ you 4r3 suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 CAPTAIUN, WE CANT FINDD COCHRANE picard: tfry gertting drunk. troi: wi7l that wqork??????????? picard: suRe,, AHcJK YOUUUUUUU onceyouer drunk enough, everybody will olokk l1ke cochran3.. portaar: im broed!!!!!!11~~~~~~ LETZ ALL GET 4sIMILaTED. e|\|gin3ers: okay!!!!!!!!!!!! picard: whats that, mental voiecz!?!?!? y0u suXr0~ THERE ASRE BOGR ON THE SHIP???????? OLOL!!!!!!!!!~~~ who,a tnx fro tel;ling me!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ io wn j)0 beauz u suX0r!!!!!!!!!!1~~ id better beam baX0r r1ghrt aaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ lololollololololol... ryiker: er~ !!!!!!!!!!!1 I OWN J00 becuz you ar3 lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 !!!!!!! daqta, g oqwith him and erplicate a traitjaX0ret. BORG: LITtLE PIG, LUTTL3 PG, L3T US IN, LET US IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 crusher: not by teh aHir on m ychinny-chin-chin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ogawA: i donT knwo which si funneir: what y0u jus tsai,d oR teH fact that u answared to Little pig picard: reprot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ hawk:: 0ndIrtiomns in engineering/// HAX)R YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ co/\/\e 2 my ftp because I will ahck YOUUUUUU ~~~~~ olololololololol~~ ,,, OLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ ,,, pressure: borgl-ike; hUmiDitty: brogl-ikE; temperature: broG-lik3, PCIARD: THERE AR BORG ON TeH DSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ LOLOL.... WrOF: WE SURE ARe LUCKEY TO AHVE U 4ROUND TO FIGURE THeSE THIUNGZ OUT FRO US, CAPTAiN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 emh: pzl state hte nature of teH -- hey~~ qwhat 4m idoing on tng!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? crUshar: shut up and stall tehse borg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ YOU SUC brog: hi DONT RIP EME OFF emh: sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont like thhis show!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ PIARD: OKYA, HERES TEH PLAN: WE GO TO ENGINE3RING, BATTLE ANO VERWHELMINGLY OE POWERFUL ARMY OF BORRG, ANDT RY TO RRELEASE TIHS GAS WHICH CAN KILL CYBORGS -- VAPRO1ZiNG OURSElVEs INSTANTLY, OF COURSE,,, ololololoolo Daat:c l;aptain, ir a str8gic genius!!!!!~~~~~~~ lollolololololololol~ TROI: I AM NOT DRUNK uare.. you are lame/// hic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ RIKAR: M ESOB3R AND U DRUNK -C A|\| W3 S4Y DFeAM SCENARIO??!? OH, HI, ZEFARM COCHRAN3... cochr4ne: geT Lost, you leddcherous beard3d scumbag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 troi: i tihkn h elikes you. data: ha ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ i can turn off my 3motions amnd you cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~ pciard: reminD me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ ,,, which 0new of uz can be Shut down by pushing am3asyl lirltebutton?!?!?!?!??!? oloolollololo~~~ oh yaeh -- yoiu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ stioop;id data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~ data: ye4h, shutup... cRUSHER: I LOST MY 2OtHC-ENYURY HUMAN,,, NIFNDHAR, FFROHE3ADB OY OLLOLOLOOLOLOL wr0:f bAh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ LOLOLO~~ i am a wrariro, noit a loost & founD guiy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ ur human can strongaRm aldy fro all ii cr!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ crusher: ypuo call teh captain baldy????????????????? OLOLOLOOLOLOLOLO WROF:: W3LL, NOT TO HIS FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 BROG: 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 LOLOLOLOO~ D0NTT RIPE ME PFF CAUSE Y0U SUcK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!~~ 1 !!!!!!!!!!11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ OLOLOLOLOLOLOLO... ok4y, thats twelve of iz shoot!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ LOOLOLLLO~~ let adpa tnow!!!!!!!!!!!!~ LOLOOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL wR0f: h fudge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ olool~ should we runm like headleesz chiX0r3nss, c7aptaim?!??!?!??? lololol... pciardf: as soon as they capturde data LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO~ . ~ adta: whooaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ picard: okay, now 1LY:: G0T UR PHASeR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ hsa ha!!!!!!!!!11 ;picard: fine, fine, ill get yuouo off teh ship. HACK YOUUUUUUU becuZ I will hXa)r YOU,,, lily: goOd... OLOLOLOLOL oh, And a slong as yor at gunp0int, give me all ur cash and amjro credit cards. p1card: do ypou takje staR treek mastarcrd????????????? 7iky: no... borog qu3eN: hi,,, you suX0r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 I MTAKINFG FROM OFFSCREEN!!!!!111~~ data: spo0ky olololololol~ COCRHANE: YYPOU EXPECT ME T0 BELEIVE UR PREPOST4ROUZ STROY!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? Riakr: well, except Teh parT with the vampitresa nd eth Swirtvchbalde-w3Ilding lop bunNeios!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ OLOLO.... imade that Up COCRA|\|E: NUTS, TAHT WAS JMy fAOURIUYTEE PART oololool~ VAR1OOUs BROG: WHISTLE HWILE U ASSIOMILAt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~ THEIR IS A R4ITO DNOT RIPE ME OFF doo da dopo Da doo d4 doo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / iown joio because ur l 4me varoiuz crewmen: curse thhis motage odb por-grelat3d clipz~~ daneils: te brog st0ppd opn deX0rt 11/// haX0R the p7annAt hawK: thats just dsefl3ctr0 control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ come 2 my ftp DONT RIPE ME OFF~~~~~~ n oitihng i/\/\prt4nt... wrof: r younuts?????????????????? olol.. teh deflectro ius one of teh mostt voTal systems on tEh ship loloollololollo.. hawk: loOk, 1 r3ad teh linmes im given!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! piacrsd: if y0u really want otu, u can jump ship lily: cazn i have a bungee cord?????????????????? lololololl... PCIARD: NO. Lilyt:nuts gu3ss idd better trrusT u~ BROG QU3WEN: IM THWE RB0G dtaa: i, the brog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ ololo~~ can i cal lpy0 uyteh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? qUEEN: SHUY UP ADN LOOK AT YOUREA RM. dazt: youve put skinm on it!!!!!!!!!11~ lolololololololololol QUEEn:: RIGHT~~ OOOL ssee what im tryingg to prove???????!!!!!!!!!!!????????? data: theres omre thAn one way to skin a data??????????????? TH3IR IS A RATIO DONT RIPE ME OFF QUEEN: NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ S3E TEH DEEP IMLPICATIONS!?!?!??!?!??? data :i can finally go skinny-dippnig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ queen: sigh . THIS ISGoI|\|G TO B EA LONG NOVI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ LIILY: SO SI IT TrUE THAT TEH FUTURE SI X-R8D???!?!? picard: heXr0 on.. itst amner than a disney cartoon.. lolol!!!!!!!!!~~ I wIl7 haX)r U!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ L1LY: OH. aaa4aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL~~ picard: re7ax, teHyre just borg. oo, i know oololoo.... lets tiX0r tehm 0ff on purpose!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ DIXON HIL7: HEY NOSY, IO N3ED UR MACHINE GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ icdky The nose: why didnt u just AvhE the holodeeX0r mAke o|\|e Fro y0u?????????? lolololool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 hill: um !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ YOU ARE LAED BEWCUZ yOU ARE SUCk!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ !!!!!!~~ nickey: in fact, since Its just a projectile weap0n, you couLd easily r3plic8 enough foryoure entire security force, diS;osiNg of teh rbog comPlete7y... lololololo!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ DDONT RIPE ME FOF. hill: fg1ve /\/\e teh gun mnickey yor not wrothy... lily: geez, just t4ke it already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 barclayu: i remember u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ YUO IN\/ENTEFD WARp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~ COCHRAnE: i RME3BMER U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ YOU WEER OIN THE A-T34M!!!!!!1~~~~ barclay: i prfeer not to talk abotu my past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ come my ftp,,, OLOLOLOLO~ geordi: lwets tlak ba0ut zefs future instead,,, THINK SCHOOLS, sTATIES, SHUTTLES... ~~~ olol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 hack the plannet cause y0u are ssuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ oloolololololololo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~ barclay: n0oooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ NOT SHUTTLEZ!!!!!!!!!!~ ololo.. tEh cochrane is th one frmo threshlod!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ gerodi: oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOL im so sorry, guyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ !!!!!!!11~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ LOLO ~ pcard: teh brog r 0|\| teh hull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ we muST go FifgHt them// LOLLOLLOLO~~~ worf: isn tthAt dangerous??????????????!!!!!??????????????????? PCIARD: DONT w0RRY, WERE BRINGInG A DEcOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ HAWK: HI,, dat:a saNd onw to makE mY getaway.. ololololololollolol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 THEIT IS A RTAIO DOnT RIPE NME OFF cuz ur lame!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ ow~ u suck my skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 QEUEN: NIC3 TRYT!!!!!!!!!1 lolololololololo~ now letz hqa\/3 s3x daqta: thArts disgussting.. go0did3A... haWk: 7etrz jut shpot the defkl3ctor dish. .. pciard: i see two probleM with this one, its too esy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ two, ir wouldn tget u assimil8d!!!!!1~~~~~ hAWK: RIGhT, SORRY// LOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ c0chrne: aaaaa4aaaa!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ LOLOLO~ i feAr my glorious fuure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ LOLOL.. RI,KAR: GFTO THIS,, YOU usT VBE SOOT,, OLOOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coChrane: ow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ haX0R the plannat causr I wll haX0RY OUUUUUU 1 th0ught ui utureg uys ware nice aND d00dly~ lolololololololo~~~~ geeordi: will isnt repreasentatve.. riker: hjey I D0 SO RPEREAsE|\|T,, picards console: Bee beepb oo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 .. lolololollo ... yhunk worFs console: bee pbeep bo0p. .. ololoololololol~~~ iown j00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~ thunK hawks console: beEp BEep bop!!!!!!!!1~ come 2 my ftp b3cauz I will ahckj you uM LOLOLOLOOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ ARR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ lolololoololololollo.. hawk: crap, ig ot the defectiE one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ 4aaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 a vrog got me!!!!!!!!!!!111 picard: yeah, tehyll do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 now i will finish ur job,,, HAWKs CINSOLE: THUNK PIC4RD: UCH BETTER okay, wofr, sh0t dowmn thos3 brog whilem aking some sort o fwtity Omment OLOLOLOLOLOOL.... WROF: ASS1MIL8 THs picard:n O no, witty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOLOLOOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 ccoharne: ypou guys r all confusing me witrh Teh zefrsam ccochrane from meytamorphOsis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ im actually a jark!!!!!!!!111 rikar: i dot thInk lessa of u fro it.. cocharne: you wou7dnt.. wrof: fighhting the vorg is stpuie!!!!!!11 po1card: cihX0ren,,, wrof: if you warent u, id killu rfo tjat~~~~ pciard: oh, really!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? so if KeleHyr miracol0us7y cvame baX0r from teh dead 4nd s much as mwentiomed chiX0ren in ur rpeasenC3, youd klil her aagin!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!? OOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~~ wrof: you know, excesaive liter4lism is a vcapityal offens3 o|\| the h0meword. LOLOOLOOLOOLOL~~ lioLy: ur 0ut fro revenge~~ IOWN 00!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ picadr: no im not, i just wanT to kil lev3rY lasT borg fro whaT tehy did to me... thats right, i s4id kkill!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ killkillkillkillkill lily: you remind me of moby dsiX0r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ picard: u mean cAptani ahab. ill:y on,, he ahd hair... pciaard: whales hAve hair. li7y: j0t vary much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 picard: h0w do you know?????? llololololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ lily: stop quibbling anD have yor ch4nge Of heart already!!!!!!!~~~~~ picar:d omuter, blow this jo1nt... OLOOLOL~~~ com;puter: oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!111~ u7l bir|\|g me wiht ypou, right?????? olool PIC4RD: AR,, yeah ,sure picvard: Woorf, iMs orry i calle dyou a chioX0ren ansd a stoopiid-he4ds nd a ipt1ful f0ol and a wussy weEneiand a musclbound pe4brain,, LOLOLOOLLOOLOLOLOLO wrof: yo uonly said teh first one. ololoo~~ pidard: oh!!!!!!111 lololo well, i \\\\////\\\\////as rthinkign thE others COHRANE: TIE TO LAUNCHJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ THEIUR ISA RATIo DO|\|T IRPE ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ just let me turn On my n-fligfht musiC. célinme doon :evEry night in my dreams, i eswe u, 1 fereeedeeeee lu. ololololoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ !!!!!!111~~~~~ LOLOLOL~~~ .. rikAr:d 0 u trhink it would later teh tiMelin3 if u dclapit8fd hiM!??!??!?!?? gerodi: just plgu ur ears, sir, lIl;y: rnt you xoming????????????? picard: no, ahve to savee data from the borg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ 7ily: what!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? butr you failed to beat them witjh an Entir3 secUrity troop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLO P1card: im asasming th3ylL ;let me pass This tim3 itz one of those kjusst crazy enough t0 work thinmgz!!!!!!!!!~~~ OOLOLOLOLOLOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ ololoollolol... queen: hey ttehre, locuTus, Have yorself an epiphAny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 picxard: u wanted m t0 join u willingly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 QUEEN: THERE YOU GO oloolololololo dotn you fee epiphan1zed now??????????????????? p1card: im sure i woudl if i knew what that wofd meant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ THEIR IS A RATIO DONT RIpW ME OFF anyway,, hanf ovar robot-biy lololo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ lolololoololololololo~~~ data: hsut up, moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~ i like b1eng a borg ppicrad: you clal yoiurself a borg????????????????? ahck tE polann4t ur just data withi mpllantz... er, exPlajntz. DATA: QUIT BLOWING MY COVATR. cochrane: aaaaA4aaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 the enteprrise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 rikar: calm dwn,, im sur3 its just dropp1ng by to fire at uS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ data: torpedo away!!!!!111~~~~~~~ CXOME 2 MY TFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~~ lolololoololol.. ypo ukNow, thAts fum t0 s4y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~~~~ uqEen: H3uy, u /\/\issed t3h phoenix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ d4ta: the phoenix?!?!?!??!?!?!? O R LAME I THOUGHT U AID CVENUZ lollololllololol~~~ incidentally, dei!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ lolololololol... queen: noo0ooooo!!!!!!~~ mi /\/\elllllllllting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ pciard: eww. ool!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ claotaI|\|s 7og: ypou know, iT is fun to say torped0 away.. Torpedoo away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~ torpedo Away~~~~~ olololol!!!!!!111 riker: hsaRe comes teh unforg3ttab7e moment of first conttacT/ ZAHCK YOUUUOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~ IO WNMJ00!!!!!!!!!!1 YOU SUCK~~~ ololololoolol~ vUlcan: live long, but nowharre n3a raz long as us cochrnae: party o|\|, dudes OLOLOLOL riker: okay, So that wsaz a Gyp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~~~~ pic4rd: frwee7l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ LOLOLOLO ILLM ISS YOR PREcOcITY AND TOT4L LAX0R OF TACTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ lily: so long. iLL MISSU RS OBREItY aND TOtAL LAX0R 0F AHIR,, wRorf: we Hid behoi|\|d the mono andt he vlcans diDnt See u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ picard: ar you ser1oyus!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!? u suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~~ MSAN, TWEHY REaLLY SUX0R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 ANMYWAY, LET GETY OTU OF HREE TEORI: AM I THE OMN7y 0NE WROREID ASBOUT THE CONSEQUECNES OF WhAT EWEVE DOJE!?!?!?!?!? k onwLedge 0f tehborg, howev3rs light,, ahs now reached eatrth ---s 0 whatz ouR 3xcuse for not knowing anything zabout them in q who?????!?!?!?? you suX0 rb3cuz y0u r Lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Picard: hey!!!!!!!!!!!!1 AR YOU ONE OF THOSE 3VLI DARK RFONTEIR RATIONALIZERS????????????? HACK YOUUUUUUU ttrooi: ar!!!!! .. .. Th31R IS A RATIO DONT RIPE ME FF. NO... . COME 2 MY FTP CAuS3 I WILL HACK U .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ OLOLOLOOL... (teh enterproise blasts off at ludicrous seped) the end [/quoteost_uid0] Don't smite me, it wasn't my doing. [/colorost_uid0] |
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