Mathology covers the Toroflux Paradox, which is related to Fibonacci Numbers.
I was already familiar with the basic optical illusion of rearranging puzzle pieces to create a rectangle one unit larger than the previous arrangement, but didn't know about the evolution or the relation to Fibonacci Numbers. (Plus I love his shirt. "This Fibonacci joke is as bad as the last two you heard combined.")
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate. Zeke: It comes nateurally to him. mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea. Sa'ar Chasm on the 5M.net forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity. Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own! Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further. Last edited by Nate the Great; 02-14-2019 at 11:22 PM. |