March 17 (5MBSG: Five-Minute "Deadlock")
After an unexpected delay (one reason for which will be clear shortly), the BSG relaunch now continues. We started with an early episode, so next up is a recent one: Five-Minute "Deadlock". Spoilers up to near-series-end, so be warned. This is actually not the one I mentioned having already written; that'll be next. I wanted something more recent first so I could advertise the event around (which I'll do now; better late than never). Other things to be aware of:
Finally, a personal note: two weeks ago, my grandfather passed away. I've said a few things about this at my LJ, but it's actually relevant to FiveMinute.net. You see, "Zeke" isn't short for Ezekiel -- it's a nickname my grandpa gave me when I was just a baby. I use it as my handle whenever I need one, and it always reminds me of him. Rest in peace, Grandpa.
FiveMinute.net: because stuff is long and life is short [03:17] FiveMinZeke: Galactica clearly needs the advanced technology of scissors, which get around the whole "yanking on your follicles" problem. [03:17] IJD: cylons can hack any blades working in conjunction |