Originally Posted by mudshark
You did say that he was falling for stuff, the whole rest of the day. Even with treacherous advisers, he's still a rank amateur, and will probably be incredibly obvious about his attempts.
I'm hoping. He fell for a
known prankster telling him there was a fire drill but something was wrong with the alarms in our wing. It has happened, but on April Fool's? Come on. The best he could come up with last night was pretending he had the wrong number when he was calling to meet up with us later, so what worries me is the treacherous advisors. I've heard enough of their pranks and ideas (e.g. filling someone's car with packing foamies -- EVIL!) to be worried.
Originally Posted by Zeke
And wait -- you have a digital camera? Sweet! I'm so jealous.
Christmas present. Pentax 5.0 megapixel and I got a 250MB memory card for it that can hold over 1,000 pictures or 45 minutes of video. Mwahaha.