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Old 09-02-2004, 06:53 PM
Ginga's Avatar
Ginga Ginga is offline
Outside looking in
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 2,467

Last night I had a dream that the results of my EEG came back, and I was diagnosed with epilepsy. The doctors said it was so bad that I could never play video games ever again. Of course, being the kind, understanding, down to Earth person that I am... I refused to accept it. :P So, I went on this angry rampage throughout the house, and I eventually came to... a holodeck. I decided I was going to go in and play a game out of spite and to prove the doctors wrong. I go in and I play this game that sort of reminded me of Banjo-Kazookie...

Then I came out and I was fine, so I said, "HA! There. See? I didn't have a seizure while I was in there, therefore I do not have epilepsy."

I think at this point I "woke up" in the dream, and was like, "Whew! I don't have epilepsy!" Then it continued...

All of a sudden I saw Neelix running up to the holodeck doors with a pot of coffee, and he was saying something... to Captain Janeway who... suddenly appeared beside me or something. I was like, "Whoa! Cool! When did she get here!?" I tried to talk to her, but I guess she couldn't see me, because she said something to Neelix, grabbed a phaser rifle, and charged into the holodeck where she proceeded to kick some ass in some sort of training program. I followed her inside... and then I woke up. :P
What further instructions could there be besides, 'Kiss your ass goodbye'?
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