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Old 08-08-2004, 08:26 PM
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Xeroc Xeroc is offline
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Default Five-Minute QChat - “Because Chat is long and Life is Short”

Blurb: Q’s arrive, those stupid N’s in cities are vanquished, hilarity ensues.

Five-Minute Q Chat
“Because Chat is long and Life is Short”
by Xeroc

Nic: Xeroc, It’s your turn in cities.
NAHTMMM: Yeah, you have an X
Xeroc: X? Hmmmm…… How about Xa Trung Huong, Vietnam?
Nic: I think your looking at a World Atlas.
Xeroc: *hides atlas* What would ever make you think that?

Q137: Hello insignificant specks of dust!
All: Hi.
Q137: That’s it?
All: There’s pie if you want it.
Q137: (aside) …and I came here - why?

LadyQ: What in the name of the continuum are you doing here?
Q137: Having a little fun!
LadyQ: You think this is fun?
NAHTMMM: Pie is fun!
Q137: You think pie is fun? You need some serious counseling.

LadyQ: Well, I’m leaving.
Q137: See? I get in trouble for everything.
Nic: That’s what you get when you spend 4 billion years in a relationship with someone.
Q137: Seriously.
LadyQ: Okay, Now you’re really in trouble!

babyq: dada? who these people?
Xeroc: So cute!
Nic: Wheee!
Q137: They’re mortals, like the crew of Voyager, but they like pie more.

LadyQ: It was your job to watch junior!
Q137: Sheesh! I get in trouble for the littlest things!
babyq: seesh seesh seesh

babyq: i hungry!
Q137: Alright, I’ll make you some nebula soup. *snap*
babyq: yay!
Astronomer: That’s funny - the Orion nebula just vanished!

Nic: Q, why do you have that 137 suffix?
Q137: It’s only the most important number in the universe!
Xeroc: I’ll explain - *deep breath*
Xeroc: *long winded description of why 137 is important*
Nic: Huh?
Qs: Sorry, wasn’t listening.

babyq: *laughs at Xeroc*
Xeroc: Hey! Quit that!
LadyQ: Alright, that’s it! *changes Xeroc into a monkey*
Xeroc: Oog!
Nic: Lions, tigers, and Qs – Oh My!
Q137: Quit it with the Wizard of Oz references or your next!
Nic: *shuts up*

Nic: You should change him back!
LadyQ: Why?
Nic: Pweeese?
NAHTMMM: Pweeese?
Xeroc: Oooooog?
Q137: Ack! Get them to shut up!
LadyQ: I have to do everything around here! *snaps*
Xeroc: Yes! Humans 1 - Qs 0!

babyq: protosuns taste funny!
Nic: Indeed!
babyq: whee!
Xeroc: Hey! You stole my line!
Q137: We Qs own everything.
NAHTMMM: Even Arkansas?
Q137: Darn tootin’!

Catalina: Hi … Qs?
Q137: Yes, we’re Qs – omnipotent.
Catalina: Could you use a different color that blue?
Q137: Sure I can!
All: Ack! Our eyes!

Catalina: I just got back from the incredibly-better-than-this-stinkin-chat-room movie!
Nic: If it’s so good – why are you here?
Catalina: Good question.

Nic: *nonsense chat*
Catalina: *more nonsense chat*
NAHTMMM: *nonsense chat OF DOOM*
Q137: What the crell are all you dsokdpaches talking about?
All: Pie!
(aside) Zeke: Man, even the Qs are stealing my words!

SwampMonster: *pant* I chased cat *pant* here!
Nic: Thanks!
babyq: pet! yay!
Q137: Okay!
SwampMonster: Nooo!!!
Zeke: I’ll get you for that - Swamp Monster!

Nic: Wait a sec…Zeke wasn’t there during this chat!
Xeroc: This is a fiver.
Nic: Point taken.

LadyQ: I’m leaving.
babyq: me too!
Q137: Alright, I’m coming.
*Qs vanish*
All: Party!
(aside) Q137: Crap, I always miss the best stuff.

(The cities end in N at Ludicrous Speed)


If you have any suggestions or comments - feel free to post!

Truer words were never spoken.

Xeroc Central

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