How would you protect your planet?
Pretend you're one of those silly,over-the-top TNG villians. How would you protect your planet that you're hiding on?
I'd have a phaser strip that goes all the way around the planet in orbit,and it can blow up large asteroids or very small planetoids,and if they managed to get down to the planet,I'd have floors that secrete glue so I can trap them and tell them my evil plan....and then be defeated,but not killed,just taught a nice morality lesson,as is Picard's way.
Tarn-Vedra: I just figure I would have a little more credibility and a little more gravitas if you posted too. FiveMinZeke: Yeah, understood. FiveMinZeke: (Oo, I have gravitas?) Tarn-Vedra: Yeah. FiveMinZeke: That does explain why I'm drinking Earl Grey right now.... Tarn-Vedra: Don't forget to tug the front of your shirt, Jean. |