ost_uid0]So yeah, as newsposted, 5MV is getting a new domain name. The question is, which one? Fiveminute.com, my first choice, is taken; the simplest alternatives are five-minute.com (which I'm leaning towards), fiveminute.net, and fiveminute.org. Surprisingly, 5mv.com is taken too. I probably wouldn't have wanted that one, though, because of the way the subsite URLs work -- "five-minute.com/farscape" scans well, just as "fiveminute/farscape" does now.
Since I can't get the domain right away, I figured I'd ask you guys for your thoughts. Which of the choices above do you like best? Or, if you have another idea, what is it? (Don't let the "scanning" thing stop you if you have suggestions.)
Also, I don't know yet which domain name registrar I'm going to use. I could use some advice from those of you who have or have had websites. What experiences have you had with registrars? Which ones have the best service and prices? Please share. (Note: I'll need one with DNS service.)[/color